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Nature – 3 Reasons to go Outdoors


You must have heard someone say at least once in your life “You should go out into nature more”. Well, here at QRMS, the CEO doesn’t just say that, but makes it a point to give team members time off during work hours for them to enjoy a walk in the park, at least once a week. Do you know why that is?

1. Nature sparks feelings of happiness and peace

In Europe, a study was conducted on the effects nature had in people. They discovered that people who spent at least 15 minutes resting in nature felt restored and renewed psychologically. For those who walked in it, those results were nearly instantaneous.

2. Nature is healing

A study showed that participants with spinal injuries who underwent surgery healed quicker and felt less pain when exposed to natural lights than the ones who weren’t exposed. Also, a different study on the effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation –and more—showed that contact with the earth has a greater anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect compared to a placebo in healing wounds.

3. Nature helps to improve memory and concentration

In an American study, 2 separate groups of participants had to either walk around the city and the other in nature. The participants who walked in nature showed an approximate 20% improvement in memory after tests than the ones who walked around in the city.

Final notes

These are a few reasons why nature is so important to our well-being, and why compassionate and successful businesses prioritize their team's health and wellness. The happier and healthier the worker, the better the teamwork, and the better the business and world.

Thank you for sticking around, we hope you enjoyed this quick article.

See you next time!

Written by Aska Barros

Aska BarrosComment