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Health is Wealth!

Being Healthy – Easy Guideline for Beginners


Within the recent years, our society has increasingly steered towards the easy, unhealthy foods. Rates of obesity and disease have also increased as a result. And because QRMS wants to create a world of joy, peace, health and prosperity, we are going to teach you how to be healthier in easy steps (and without driving you crazy).

Step 1. Always keep a full water bottle close by

If you put your water in a visible location, you are much more likely to drink it. You can also put a reminder on your phone to drink water every hour. This will help to keep you hydrated and vibrant, with beautiful skin. After all, if water wasn’t important, our body wouldn’t be made up of 60% of it.

Step 2. Have healthy snacks in your bag

A lot of times we tend to consume unhealthy foods and drinks due to a lack of preparation. We must plan beforehand for the next moment of hunger – and oftentimes weakness. When that time comes you must have healthy snacks available in order to not go for highly carcinogenic processed foods from fast food places. So, have a nut mix inside your bag along with some 70% dark chocolate and you will see how delicious of a snack it is.

Step 3. Incorporating vegetables into your diet

Make it a point to add vegetables to at least one meal per day. That's it. After a while, you will start craving it more and more and can add them to more meals.

Step 4. Go to the grocery store when you are full

This is a great tip because when we all know that when hungry at the grocery store, the temptation is intense. That is why going to the store while full will allow us to buy strictly what is on the shopping list without any derails, that way when we are home, we will have to cook with the foods we bought—healthy ones. Meaning, you must trick your own brain at first and that’s ok.

Step 5. Be patient

Be patient with yourself. Take it easy. While it is common to want immediate results and be extreme in order to get to the finish line quicker, that is not the most effective way to go. Every change takes time and effort, and only by respecting that will you be able to see a successful long-term improvement in your health. Therefore, don’t be afraid to hit the brakes and go slowly and patiently, after all, these are unknown waters.

Step 6. Cut off all the junk

You know what junk food is, and that's why you are here. In order to be healthy, you must start removing it from your life and replacing it with healthier versions. An example is sugar. Substitute it with honey or coconut sugar. That alone will make an enormous difference. Instead of white rice, use whole grain. Apply this to all foods you eat and you will end up achieving your health goals in due time.

Lastly, congratulations for being here. Know that you are more than capable of achieving all of your health goals and it is important that you know this, as it will supply you with the necessary confidence to keep going. QRMS believes in you, and is here to support you.

Thank you again for being here, and we shall be seeing you next time!

Written by Aska Barros

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