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Phones – 5 Reasons to Ditch it


Technology came to help our civilization. Studies however have increasingly shown, that if used incorrectly, technology can do more harm than good. That is why QRMS wants you to put down the phone more often in order to live a happier and healthier life.

Below are some reasons as to why you should reduce screen time use on your devices.

Increased amounts of screen time:

  • Before bed will disrupt how well you sleep

Screen radiation will disrupt the body's ability to produce and balance melatonin—the sleep hormone. This means that the more you look at your phone before bed, the lower the quality and/or amount of sleep you will get.

  • Increases anxiety

Phones have heightened the voice of others (to ourselves) in detriment of our own. As we use our phones to enter a social media network, we are bombarded with ads and profiles of people who seem to live a better life than us. This constant comparison causes us to feel more and more anxiety.

  • Increases depression

As we have mentioned above, the unhealthy use of devices can cause anxiety, which if unchecked, will lead to depression, especially in minors who are still fragile and developing their personalities and subconscious mental programming.

  • Increases risk of obesity

People who dive deep into the world of devices, shut off the real world and will also lose sense of time, priority and reality. This makes us less likely to go outdoors for physical activity and more likely to eat junk foods, due to the persistent online ads programming our minds to do so.

· Affects mental development in kids

A study done on children showed that a lot of screen use caused them to not recognize emotion as well. Those kids who went 5 days without any screen use displayed, in contrast, an increase in their ability to recognize emotions.

Final notes

While we know that staying off our devices altogether is an absurd thought likely of deserving death by stone to some, we are not asking that with this article. We aim, instead, to show you the cons that overly using devices can have on your children and yourselves, thus, enabling you to make smarter and happier decisions long-term. So next time you catch yourself browsing your phone endlessly, put on your tennis shoes and go for a walk out in nature. In our previous article, we show you quickly and effectively, how wonderful nature is for you.

Thank you for sticking around and make sure to share and discuss this article with your friends and family to know what they think on the matter. If the topic gets heated, be sure to step away from any stones—just kidding!

See you next time!

Written by Aska Barros

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