
Health Blog

Health is Wealth!

Gratitude – The Number One Habit of Joyful People


Today we start our mental excellence series with the aim to inspire you to take the daily steps to be the joy-filled human you innately desire to be, and that we wish for you.

While we will discuss many different topics pertaining to mental wellness, we know here at QRMS that gratitude is the anchor to any well-being, happiness and success. It is by maintaining that uplifting vibration that we will attract all the best in our lives. Be it that wonderful new job, that lovely relationship, that successful business or venture. It is also this energy that keeps us resilient through our daily battles, getting past them with ease.

Gratitude is overlooked and underrated to many, and that is why only a few make it to the top in their affairs. Without gratitude, you could have all you ever desired and it would become nearly meaningless in a short amount of time. Without gratitude, you feel as though you never have or are ENOUGH. Holding gratitude instead says “Thank you for all that I Am. Thank you for all that I have.” Thus, making you feel that all is wonderful in your world, bringing forth more positive outcomes your way.

Benefits of practicing gratitude:

  • Improves Sleep Quality

  • Improves Emotional Balance

  • Causes Positive Mood

  • Can Heal PTSD

  • Improves Self-Esteem

  • Improves Relationships

  • Improves Overall Health

Growing The Gratitude Muscle

Because most people are not used to being grateful, when starting a daily gratitude practice, it is natural to feel anything between amazed or strange. Like anything in this life, gratitude takes practice also. Like our muscles, it needs frequent exercise to grow. Here we will show you how to incorporate this daily practice into your life.

Daily Gratitude Practices can include:

  • Journaling – Write down a list of things you are grateful for

  • Prayer – Thank the Creator for the things you are grateful for

  • Meditation – Sit and hold a feeling of gratitude for all things

  • Listen to a guided gratitude meditation on Youtube

  • Thank the things and people for serving you (i.e.: the tree that provided the wood to build your home or fire, keeping you safe and warm)

  • Ceasing to complain – Complaining is the opposite of holding gratitude

The moment you start to implement any of these practices into your daily routine, you will begin to feel the pressure, guilt and stress in your life dissipate more and more with each practice, making space only for blessings.

We hope we have inspired you to give gratitude a chance and that you let us know how the gratitude practice has changed your life.

See you next time!

Written by Aska Barros