Beetroot Juice Health Benefits
Beetroot juice can be of large benefit to human health. It contains considerable amounts of nitrate, which once in the body is often converted into a substance known as nitric oxide. This new substance is known to help in various functions, some of which involve: overall athletic performance, muscle power and brain function. Here is the breakdown of 3 different scientific studies on beetroot juice and it´s health benefits:
Athletic Performance
A scientific study conducted on athletes in the year of 2012 has shown that drinking 2 cups of raw beet juice daily can improve your exercise stamina. It is important to note that it should be taken 30 minutes prior to exercising, as this is how long it takes to reach its peak effect in the body.
Muscle Power
On a different study done on 2015, heart failure patients presented a 13% improvement in muscle power just 2 hours after taking beet juice. Results were possible as a result of the increased nitrates commonly found in beet juice.
Brain Function
A 2011 study done on older subjects indicated that increased nitrate content in the body can help with slowing dementia by increasing blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, which directly correlates to behavioral and cognitive functions.
As seen above, beetroot juice is scientifically proven to positively affect different sectors of human health. However, if you suffer from any ailment be sure to consult with a doctor if drinking beetroot juice is right for you. We hope to have inspired you to add more healthy and natural juices to your daily diet in order to achieve ultimate well being.
Thank you for sticking around and see you next time!
This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.