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Health is Wealth!

Do you Have Enough? — Discussion

“When you don’t have anything, then you have everything.” 

-Mother Teresa

All beings search for meaning, connection and fulfillment. We often do not know what that means for us, yet we don’t let that stop us from seeking it. Most of us will look for it in another person, belief, profession...maybe even in a hobby or an activity. But are we looking for it in the right places? 

If you had absolutely nothing in terms of material possessions or titles, do you think that your priorities would change?  

Sometimes we need to be stripped of everything in order to value the small things which we had no idea were so important...were enough. Having nothing helps us see just how much we truly had, and how little we actually need. Be it in terms of material possessions, our health, or people. Whatever it may be. 

But how can you have everything while having nothing? 

Having life in your body, having air in your lungs, having true love, but most importantly having yourself—Those are immaterial things that we could never buy, and that many of us have and do not find contentment in. We are always seeking more and more, and once we get it; it stops bringing you the joy you hoped for after some time, so you move on to the next thing that will bring you “fulfillment”.  

Having nothing shows us just how much we do have. All the abundance. All the love that you hold in your heart. These are powerful tools that can make the biggest difference in our world when we choose to develop it. But for that we need to open our eyes, remove the veil from over them and start seeing through a different light. 

What do you think your priorities would be if you had nothing? 

Thank you for reading and let us know your ideas below.  

Blessings to all!