3 Easy Tips to Drink More Water Throughout the Day

Are you tired of feeling guilty about not drinking enough water?

And are you finally ready to do something about it? Then follow me!

The 3 (Not so) Secret Hacks to Help you Drink More Water

  1. Always keep a bottle of water close by

    You would be surprised as to how much more water you would drink if it was in front of you at arms reach the whole day! This is a very simple, and probably the most efficient strategy when it comes to drinking more water daily. Try it and see for yourself!

  2. Drink water first thing in the morning

    When you drink water first thing in the morning it becomes much easier to continue to drink it later on throughout the day. Not only that, but it is a perfect time to hydrate your body considering it went hours without any replenishment as you slept. This is a sure way to start your day fully refreshed—literally.

  3. Set an alarm

    If you feel it could work for you (which you should), try setting a timer or alarm on you phone to drink water throughout the day. If you prefer you can download a tracker app instead. The great thing about this is that you don´t have to rely on your memory. Once consuming more water becomes habitual, you will start remembering automatically.


These are very easy, doable tips which if exercised are sure to change your water drinking game. By putting these tips into practice you will likely find that sometimes in life, all you need is a little strategy and preparation in order to achieve your goals and change your life.

Let us know how these tips worked for you, and we will see you next time! :)

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