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Health is Wealth!



Stress is a state of mental and emotional strain or unrest, currently responsible for various types of health disturbances around the world. While often overlooked, it is important that we learn to identify it, as well as take measures to transcend this negative state and unveil a greater sense of joy, purpose and well-being into our daily lives.

How Does this Stress Thing Work Though...?

While under stress, the body goes into a mode commonly known as "Fight or Flight". That’s right, it thinks you're under attack and need to fight or run for your life. In this state, the brain commands the body to put all its energy strictly into survival. As a consequence, the body's functions quickly become impaired, as cortisol –the stress hormone— is abundant in the blood stream, paralyzing the body's immune response which would otherwise shield it against any diseases or threats.

How to Know if I'm Stressed?

Common signs that you are under stress may include but are not limited to:

  • Heavy Chest

  • Accelerated Heartbeat

  • Loss of Appetite

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Gut Problems

  • Sexual problems

  • Depression

Because we know that these symptoms are not one bit fun, next time you experience them here is what you should do:

Quick De-stress Hacks

  1. Make a Quick Gratitude List

  2. Take Deep Breaths

  3. Catch Some Sun

  4. Listen to Upbeat Music

  5. Laugh Out Loud

  6. Go into Naure

  7. Play with Animals

  8. Dance

  9. Cuddle

  10. Practice Mindfulness

Our point here is simple: the moment we get in touch with the positive things in our life, our brain begins to signal the body telling it that it's safe to return to its natural state as well as triggers the release of happiness hormones that begins to regenerate and heal the body. So, if health and happiness is a choice, we hope that from now on you choose it!

We also hope that this article has inspired you to seek your joy and well-being, more and more, with each passing day!

See you next time!

Written by Aska Barros

Aska Barros1 Comment