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Forgiveness - The Habit of Joyful People

Sometimes we believe that lack of money or opportunities are the culprits constantly holding us back. We believe those to be the reason we are not able to experience the greatness we want out of our career, relationships and life. But what if we told you that holding anger, grudges and bitterness in our hearts could instead be the real reason?

Morality and consciousness are things that most of us battle on the daily. This is a good thing; it means we are aware of ourselves, the impact we have in the world around us. It also means we are trying. However, if we want to SERIOUSLY find joy in our daily lives, we must BE IT.

Joyful people do not hold grudges, anger, revenge or bitterness. Joyful people forgive.

A myth about forgiveness is that it is something we must only direct towards others. While both are important, we need to first and foremost hold forgiveness towards ourselves.

Practicing Forgiveness in 8 Steps:

  1. Wear purple in your clothes, jewelry and etc. (It is the color of transmutation)

  2. Reflect and jot down all the people, things and situations that you have not been able to forgive (still hold negative thoughts and feelings towards—especially if its yourself)

  3. Take each item, and work to forgive one by one (be it through prayer, reflection, empathy or unconditional love.)

  4. Go over each item on the paper and think about all the positive things those people and situations taught you.

  5. Once you feel ready in your heart to let go of the resentment toward each person or situation, write each item on a piece of paper. (One item per paper—or half a sheet)

  6. Say “I now forgive ______from the bottom of my heart for ______” (Fill in the blank with an item you wrote on your list.)

  7. Burn the piece of paper (use candle or anything else you can find) and feel yourself releasing all the negativity as that paper turns into ashes.

  8. Repeat process for every item on the list.


We have to understand that forgiveness doesn’t mean you must forget. Forgiveness also does not mean you need to want that person or situation back in your life. Forgiveness DOES mean however that this person or situation no longer has a hold over you or your world. It means freedom to achieve your goals and receive your blessings. Freedom and a clean slate.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and that you apply it to your life in order to live out your dreams.

Good luck and see you next time!

Written by Aska Barros

Aska BarrosComment