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Do you respond to emails?

Emails can be important to your business since it seems to be the new way of communicating.  Responding to your emails whether business or personal can be equally important. What is the main thing in a business email that would be important to you? Generally replying back to your clients would be the professional thing to do. I have found that a lot of businesses do not return emails. What is considered important to you may not be for them. I have to admit a lot of junk mail does find it's way into your inbox and some of us automatically hit the delete button. That, I am guilty of.

What would you consider a reasonable time frame to expect a response? Some would say a day or two at the most depending on the severity of the email. I understand that businesses get caught up in the everyday life of business meetings and deadlines, but is that an excuse not to respond? Below are a few reasons as to why emailing can be beneficial:

Emails are good for some who prefer avoiding the face to face meetings.

Emails are ways to promote your business.

Emails are easier.

Emails can be your confirmation in writing that you contacted the person.

As always, all comments are welcome below.

Flora HooksComment